This is the empowered medicinal amulet for serious healing and magical remedies from the high lamas and Rinpoches over months of empowerments for healing. Ruel contains sacred mantras, as well as holy and blessed items inside the cylindrical copper tube. Each ruel has been specially prepared and consecrated with ritual and recitation and disciplined execution. These concentrated essential energies bring about direct spiritual phenomena and sacred energy in order to provide you with the highest protection against negative energies, black magic, obstacles and physical illnesses. This ruel is sought for its good luck charm powers besides other purposes.

These powerful amulets can be placed in your home, car, office or carried with you. You can even encase it and wear it as a pendant so that you are protected wherever you are.

The ancient Tibetan tradition of creating Ruels– the most powerful of Tibetan protective amulets/talismans – can be traced back some 400 years and it is a practice that has been carefully preserved till this day. The rituals of creating these protective amulets have been performed by generations of high lamas such as Abbots, Rinpoches, Geshes and senior monks.

Ruels contain the mandala, prayers and mantras together with a selection of precious stones, metals and holy relics. A puja is performed to consecrate the amulets and invoke the energy which comes out to be sealed in the Ruels. The pujas, made with lots of offerings to the Buddhas, can take up to a few days with a series of preparations before and after the ritual. Given the complexity of the process, Ruels are usually made only once every few years. This is why, unlike other amulets, Ruels are regarded as one of the most precious and rare items that one can have for protection and blessings.

When you wear or carry a Ruel, it is with confidence that the Tibetan Buddhist Deities is watching your back. To ordinary beings, it just looks like a beautiful copper cylinder, but the unseen – the spirits – will actually see Tibetan deities accompanying you everywhere you go. Many high lamas and Rinpoches have confirmed this.

In ancient Tibet, it was customary to have a Ruel buried on the land before building a house on it. In some cases, Ruels may also be embedded within the walls of the house. Tibetans strongly believe that the Ruel will protect them from misfortune, the black arts and to deflect negative energies.*

*All the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.