a very ancient, traditional blend, prepared in loving care and quality. 2 tablets, 2x a day small batch, hand pressed tablets and artisan from Siddha doctor. 120 for month supply.

Many of the modern people have ailments arising from the malfunctioning of endocrine glands such as, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Many feel the issues of extreme fatigue, lethargy, lack of interest and concentration, palpitation, depression, irritation, unexplained weight gain or loss, dry skin, itching, dry hair, irregular constipation are symptoms of this disorder. This is organic extracted Siddhi formula of shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), with Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), vidarikand (Ipomea digitata), kawachbeej (Mucuna puriens), with mandoor bhasma. This is a superior tonic formula It helps to get rid of stress, fatigue and even menstrual problems. This is also taken traditional during in India during pregnancy for proper growth of the foetus, natural delivery and secretion of milk in new mothers. It is considered vary safe for all from young to old, and is said to help immunity and bone health.

Shatavari or Asparagus racemosus is a Siddha and Ayurvedia herb with many traditional uses, especially for tonic effects, for females reproductive health but also digestive health. Its name indicates its folk role as increasing the female sexual energy, meaning ‘having one hundred roots’ as ‘having one hundred husbands’ and is good for the woman in all phases of life. Men are able to use it for a variety of issues including cooling and digestive issues. It helps with balancing female.

Folk uses are for:
To improve hormonal balance, lactation, general debility, weight loss, fatigue, restorative therapy during and after illness, calcium & iron supplement. Maintains hormonal harmony in female. Supportive in chemotherapy.

irritable bowel syndrome.

We make no medical claims and these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.